If you did not receive TMR e-correspondences immediately upon passing (this is automatically generated), it may be due to:

Mailbox full
Junk mail / block list functionality
Virus scan / anti-spam tools
Network connection fail
Incorrect email address.

You can resolve the issue by:

Check your mailbox data allowance. If it exceeds the limitation, clean your mailbox, check your Junk or Deleted Item email folder. If you have rules configured to sort your mail automatically, check your rule settings to ensure the TMR emails will not be filtered out. Check the mail module for your virus scan/anti-spam tool to see if TMR emails are being filtered out. You may also check your virus scan/ anti-spam tool documentation to find out if it holds the emails classified as spam in a named folder, ensure you have the network connection to download/ sync the emails from the server.

If you need to confirm or change your email address we have on our records or you did not receive the confirmation email after following the above instructions please call us on 132380 Monday to Friday from 8am to 5pm, excluding public holidays. We cannot resend the email via webchat. Thank you for your time. Have a good day.